Sunday, December 14, 2008

And the Veguns shall inherit the earth.

Each company must find the game plan for long-run survival and growth that makes the most sense given its specific situation, opportunities, objectives and resources. (Marketing an Introduction page.37)

Mission: "Comic Cook Book"

Our goal is to provide an entertaining way to present recipes to our customers. It is also a way to deliver their core goal as a vegan through narratives. It is not our goal to convert people to becoming vegans, but to let them understand what it is to be one. We would enjoy new consumers to check out the different recipes that you can make without the use of meat.

We will market our comic "cook" book with the help of various vegan catered restaurants and organic food marts. Our goal is to create a partnership with these places to sell "Vegun" approved products. It is a way our company can hold a relationship with our existing and potential consumers besides our comic.

In it's quest to create customer value, the firm needs to look beyond it's own value chain and into the value chains of it's suppliers, distributors, and, ultimately, customers. (Marketing an Introduction page.47)

Whole Foods
Trader Joe's
Long Life Veggie
Go Raw Cafe
Veggie Delite

By partnering with these companies, we are able to build off of their customer relationship. Our idea is to put our recipes on their menu, bi-monthly in association with the Veguns comic.

A fracture of the proceeds from the sales of the comic will go to Peta. This partnership will help build a more personal relationship with our consumers.

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