Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Providing the wants.

Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality. (Marketing an Introduction page.6)

Consumers have evolved from common needs to wants. You need to eat but want a healthier option then meat and animal by products. Veganism is a diet lifestyle that excludes eating anything made from animals, it also excludes wearing clothing or buying products that are made from or tested by animals.

With advanced food studies, the usage of meat is then replaced by subsitute meat products made of soy and vegtables. It then gives the consumers a healthier alternative to their diet.

Veguns is a bi-monthly trade paper back comic that provides recipes using creative narrative and graphics. Just like veganism, it offers an entertaining alternative to cookbooks in general. We are providing a want for people who choose to live these lifestyles.

The company must first decide who it will serve. It does this by deviding the market into segments of customers (market segmentation) and selecting which segmets it go after (target marketing). Some people think of marketing management as finding as many customers as possible and increasing demand. but marketing managers know that they cannot serve all customers in every way. (Marketing an Introduction page.9)

We fully understand that being vegan is a personal choice in lifestyle. That is why our marketing campaign will cater more to exsisting vegans. We feel they are a target market that it often looked over and would appreciate a little attention. We do this by providing them with a usable and entertaining product backed by advertisment geared for them.

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